Strongsdict: Strong's Dictionary App
Full Strong's Dictionary App Greek Hebrew at your fingertips
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This is Strong's Dictionary App Greek Hebrew Dictionary. The original Strong's Dictionary Greek and Hebrew from James Strong et. al.
You can lookup any name or word or Strong's Greek or Hebrew numbers as well.
Just type in a Strong's number and it shows the word and where it else within the text appears. There are 5624 Greek root
words (G1 - G5624) used in the New Testament and 8674 Hebrew words (H1 - H8674) used in the so called Old Testament, which is the Tenach.
"James Strong did not construct Strong's Concordance by himself; it was constructed with the effort of more than a hundred colleagues.
It has become the most widely used concordance for the King James Bible." 1
Software Apps for Theology Students et. al.
Been Waiting for this One! ***** (5 of 5 Stars), by Whittier Weather Service - Apr 20, 2016
Let me say I have been searching the web and App Store for a Hebrew/Greek dictionary on and off for over a year that was not contained within a "bible app". And then.... Here she is, just what I was looking for. Upon buying the app I noticed it would not display in landscape mode so I contacted the author and he Quickly corrected the problem and sent me a link to download it. It works great! Since then I have been contacting him with very minor issues I have found, and he has came through on every one of them! He is even adding features like sharing and others I'll let him surprise you with. What I really like is it's ability to search an English, Hebrew or Greek word. You can turn either the Hebrew or Greek dictionary on or off to single out the result. If you know a Strong's number you can search it too. This is a great study tool for anybody wanting to clarify what they're reading. I Highly recommend this app! The features will be added in updates all ready on the way! This app is worth the purchase, as I can't find another that compares. Great work and great customer support!
Great App, Needs Some Work... **** (4 of 5 Stars), by SCHKR - Jun 26, 2016
Great App but needs some work.... Search using Hebrew Keyboard does not work. For instance of I want to change my keyboard to Hebrew and search for אדמ it does not work.
Answer: This works now, just update to newest version. Thank you for your feedback as an App Review within the App Store. Unfortunately, we do not have an email address so we can not contact you personally. The preferred way to submit problems is via Support page or just leave a comment below.
Enjoy the same layout as within the original book.
Strong's Dictionary App Features
- Full Greek and Hebrew Dictionary as with the original book
- Same layout as within the original book
- Share it with your friends or for yourself as documentation
- No Bible attached, pure Strong's Dictionary
- Full text search engine for English, Greek and Hebrew words and keywords
Works also on Android
- Share content: Just press and hold an entry to share it, or copy it to your Word documents
- Search for a names, like David, Abraham, etc. within the Greek and Hebrew dictionary
- Search for a subjects or keywords, like Water, Love, etc. within the Greek and Hebrew dictionary
- Search by Greek Strong's Number, like g2222 within the Greek dictionary
- Search by Hebrew Strong's Number, like h2222, or a precise search with an ending dot, like h2222.
- Do precise search with a dot at the end. If you need exactly one entry of G2222 just add a dot at the end like so: g2222. Water., Love.
- Search any free text: Searches within the explanations, description, etc.
- Enter words in Hebrew. See FAQ below how.
App usage is just simple but incredible powerful.
Use Cases
Aaron. - use the dot notation to search precise
Ἀαρών - search Greek words
אַהֲלוֹן - search Hebrew words.
This requires a Hebrew keyboard installed. For more details see below in the FAQ section.
2222 - search for Strong's number
2222. - precise search for Strong's number (dot notation)
g2222. - precise search Strong's Greek number with dot notation
h2222. - precise search Strong's Hebrew number with dot notaion
Search for a name: David
Search for a Greek Strong's code: g2222
Search for a Hebrew Strong's code: H2222
Search for a keyword: Love
Search for a English keywords in Hebrew Dictionary only
What if you search for "David" within the Hebrew dictionary only?
You will find David also in the Hebrew dictionary as well as in the Greek dictionary.
On Android Phone
On Android Tablet
Strongsdict on Nexus 7 Tablet with Android
On the iPad
Or just type in a keyword, name or whatever and it will search where your text is. For example search for "David". This shows also other relevant entries.
![[cml_media_alt id='1639']iOS Simulator Screen Shot 12.02.2015 13.12.20[/cml_media_alt]](/cmswp/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/iOS-Simulator-Screen-Shot-12.02.2015-13.12.20-577x1024.png)
From the Book (Hebrew Dict)
This work, although prepared as a companion to the Exhaustive Concordance, to which it is
specially adapted, is there paged and printed so that it can be bound separately, in the belief that
a brief and simple Dictionary of the Biblical Hebrew and Chaldee will be useful to students and
others, who do not care at all times to consult a more copious and elaborate Lexicon; and it will be
particularly serviceable to many who are unable to turn conveniently and rapidly, amid the perplexities
and details of foreign characters with which the pages of Gesenius and Furst bristle, to the
fundamental and essential points of information that they are seeking. Even scholars will find here,
not only all of a strictly verbal character which they most frequently want in ordinary consultation
of a lexicon, but numerous original suggestions, relations, and distinctions, carefully made and clearly
put, which are not unworthy of their attention, especially in the affinities of roots and the classification
of meanings. The portable form and moderate cost of the book, it is hoped, will facilitate its
use with all classes. The vocabulary is complete as to the ground-forms that actually occur in the
biblical text (or Kethib), with the pointing that properly belongs to them. There designation by
numbers will especially aid those who are not very familiar with the original language, and the
Anglicizing and pronunciation of the words will not come amiss to multitudes who have some acquaintance
with it. The addition of the renderings in the common version will greatly contribute
to fixing and extending the varied significations and applications of the Hebrew and Chaldee words,
as well as to correcting their occasionally wrong translations. On this account, as well as for the
sake of precision and to prevent repetition, the use of the same terms in the preceding definitions
has been avoided wherever practicable. The design of the volume, being purely lexial, does not
include grammatical, archaeological, or exegetical details, which would have swelled its size and
encumbered its plan.
By observing the subjoined directions, in the associated use of the Main and Comparative Concordances,
the reader will have substantially a Concordance-Dictionary of both the Authorized and
the Revised English Versions, as well as of the Hebrew Bible.
From the Book (Greek Dict)
- All the original words are treated in their alphabetical Greek order, and are numbered regularly from the first to the last, each being known throughout by its appropriate number. This renders references easy without recourse to the Greek characters.
- Immediately after each word is given its exact equivalent in English letters, according to the system of transliteration laid down in the scheme here following, which is substantially that adopted in the Common English Version, only more consistently.
- Next follows the precise pronunciation, according to the usual English mode of sounding syllables, so plainly indicated that none can fail to apprehend and apply it. The most approved sounds are adopted, as laid down in the annexed scheme of articulation, and in such a way that any good Greacist would immediately recognise the word if so pronounced, notwithstanding the minor variations current among scholars in this respect.
- Then ensures a tracing of the etymology, radical meaning, and applied significations of the word, justly but tersely analyzed and expressed, with any other important preculiarities in this regards.
- In the case of proper names, the same method is pursued, and at this point the regular mode of Anglicizing it, after the general style of the Common English Version, is given, and a few words of explanation are added to identify it.
- Finally (after the punctuation-mark :—) are given all the different renderings of the word in the Authorized English Version, arranged in the alphabetical order of the leading terms, and conveniently condensed according to the explanations given below.
The following explanations are sufficient to show the mode of writing and pronouncing Greek words in English adopted in this Dictionary.
1. The Alphabet is as follows:
2. The mark ‘ [TN: left single quote], placed over the initial vowel of a word, is called the Rough Breathing, and is equivalent to the English h, be which we have accordingly represented it. Its absence over an initial vowel is indicated by the mark ’ [TN: left single quote], called the Smooth Breathing, which is unappreciable or silent, and is therefore not represented in our method of transliteration.
+ (addition) denotes a rendering in the A.V. [TN: Abbrevation] of one or more Gr. words in connection with the one under consideration.
× (multiplication) denotes a rendering in the A.V. that results from an idiom preculiar to the Gr.
( ) (parenthesis), in the renderings from the A.V., denotes a word of syllable sometimes given in connection with the principa word to which it is annexed.
[ ] (bracket), in the rendering from the A.V., denotes the inclusion of an additional word in the Gr.
Italics, at the end of a rendering from the A.V., denote an explanation of the variations from the usual form.
Owing to changes in the enumeration while in progress, there were no words left for Nos. 2717 and 3203-3302, which were therefore silently dropped out of the vocabulary and references as redundant. This will occasion no practical mistake or inconvenience.
abst. = abstract (-ly)
acc. = accusative (case)
adv. = adverb (-ial)
aff. = affinity
alt. = alternate (-ly)
anal. = analogy
app. = apparent (-ly)
caus. = causative (-ly)
cer. = ceremony / ceremonial (-ly)
Cald. = Chaldee
Chr. = Christian
coll. = collective (-ly)
comp. = comparative / comparatively / compare / compound (-s)
concr. = concrete (-ly)
corr. = corresponding
dat. = dative (case)
der. = derivation / derivative / derived
dim. = diminutive
dir. = direct (-ly)
E. = East
eccl. = ecclesiastical (-ly)
Eg. = Egypt (-ian)
ell. = ellipsis / elliptical (-ly)
eq. = equivalent
esp. = especially
euph. = euphemism / euphemistic / euphemistically
ext. = extension
fem. = feminine
fig. = figurative (-ly)
for. = foreign
gen. = genitive (case)
Gr. = Greek
Heb. = Hebraism / Hebrew
i.e. = id est / that is
imper. = imperative
imperf. = imperfect
impers. = impersonal (-ly)
impl. = implication / implied
incl. = including
ind. = indicative (-ly)
indiv. = individual (-ly)
inf. = infinitive
inh. = inhabitant (-s)
intens. = intensive (-ly)
intr. = intransitive (-ly)
invol. = involuntary / involuntarily
irr. = irregular (-ly)
Isr. = Israelite (-s) / Israelitish
Jer. = Jerusalem
Lat. = Latin
lit. = literla (-ly)
mean. = meaning
mid. = middle (voice)
mor. = moral (-ly)
mult. = multiplicative
nat. = natural (-ly)
neg. = negative (-ly)
neut. = neuter
obj. = objective (-ly)
obs. = obsolete
or. = origin (-al) (-ly)
Pal. = Palestine
part. = participle
pass. = passive (-ly)
perh. = perhaps
pers. = person (-al) (-ly)
phys. = physical (-ly)
pl. = plural
pref. = prefix (-ed)
pos. = positive (-ly)
prim. = primary
prob. = probably
prol. = prolongation / prolonged
pron. = pronominal (-ly) / pronoun
prop. = properly
redupl. = reduplicated / reduplication
refl. = reflexive (-ly)
rel. = relative (-ly)
Rom. = Roman
sing. = singular
spec. = special (-ly)
subj. = subjective (-ly)
sup. = superlative (-ly)
tech. = technical (-ly)
term. = termination
trans. = transitive (-ly)
typ. = typical (-ly)
unc. = uncertain
var. = variation / various
voc. = vocative
vol. = voluntarily / voluntary
Strong's Dictionary Errata
- Greek: Some minor corrections.
- Hebrew: For:
- H2579
- H5960
- H7893
there is no King James Definition. So I added an empty one ("CHECK") to keep the data source uniform (else it can't be processed by a computer).
Q: How can I enter words in Hebrew?
A: Yes. Install this Hebrew (or any other) Keyboard. (Note: This one requires iOS 8.0+)
A: It searches for David also within the definition and descriptions. So you will find David as well.
Just leave a comment below.