Repair: Old analogue VCR Video Camera GR HF-900 repaired
Ok, I did it! After laying around for many years with case open, I was able to repair this very old VCR Video Camera GR-HF 900 from JVC.
Ok, I did it! After laying around for many years with case open, I was able to repair this very old VCR Video Camera GR-HF 900 from JVC.
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Since the first version of alttab4mac in 2012 there is still a user base for this little Application out there. I reviewed the code to make it works also on OS X 10.10 Yosemite and OS X 10.11 El Capitan thanks to a user who uses alttab4mac all day long. Go to product page here: …
Function A() calles function B() and function B() calls function A(). Some uses forward declarations like Pascal. Swift needs to have those in the same line. // — Swift: get around mutual dependencies: Put code in the same line. Strange notation. doMain(); func doMain() { println(«Hello from doMain!») }
You can compile your command line interface Swift code like so: $ xcrun swiftc -c fibonacci.swift -F /System/Library/Frameworks -I/usr/include $ xcrun swiftc -o fibonacci fibonacci.o If you also have regular C code, you can do it like the following: 1. Compile regular .m file: $ xcrun clang C.m -o C.o -c Be sure to …
Just enable flush print all the time: // — Swift: clear output buffer for print all the time. Why is that not the default? setbuf(__stdoutp, nil); 1. Testing: If you have some print and/or println statementes in your code – these get’s buffered. Example: 1. print(«Enter a name: «) 2. input user value Output: …
Swift: How to flush the output of println on command line interface CLI Weiterlesen »
Is there no input() function in Swift? No. Not for now. But how then can we enter a number or a string from the command line interface (CLI)? 1. Copy this function to your code: func input() -> String { var keyboard = NSFileHandle.fileHandleWithStandardInput() var inputData = keyboard.availableData var strData = NSString(data: …
Swift: How to input a number from CLI Command Line Interface Weiterlesen »
This is how you can install OS X v10.11 El Capitan Developer beta on an USB stick. NOTE: Install this only on a none-productive machine. Make backups first! 1. Download OS X El Capitan BETA You need to have a developer account. 2. Insert your USB drive, at least 8 GB 3. Start Terminal …
Install OS X v10.11 El Capitan Developer beta on an USB Stick Weiterlesen »
Apple has just announced right now that the Swift programming language will become Open Source late 2015. So we can expect that the Swift programming language will be running on Windows, Linux and OS X, iOS, etc. Anyway, the OS API’s will not be available. So you can not write an OS X Application in …
Just writing my first Swift App and got stock on this Swift Compiler Error: «swiftc failed with exit code 11». Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 11 I used Xcode Version 6.3.2 (6D2105) on Yosemite 10.10.3 (14D136). Any idea? Solution: Just restart Xcode, seems to be a Xcode compiler bug.