Now available: Byztxt Koine Greek New Testament Interlinear App available for iPhone and iPad

Byztxt Greek New Testament app version 2.0 is available right now! This is a major release with many updates and news. We have contributions around the world from many individuals and professionals. We added support for iOS8, iPhone 6 / plus. And, last but not least we added support for iPad. And, last but not least, we support now 10 languages for interlinear translation. This is just incredible. Read more to see what's new.

We added support for iOS8 for iPhone 6, iPhone 6 plus and iPad.

Byztxt app koine Greek New Testament interlinear reads now on your iPad in full wide mode. This is just amazing.

What's new?

- iOS 8 with iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus support
- iPad support
- Sigma ending fixed

Language Support for interlinear translation
en-US - English
de-DE - Deutsch
fr - Français
es - Español
nl - Nederlands
pt-BR - Português (Brasil)
ru - Pусский (Russian)
ja - 日本語 (Japanese)
zh-HANS - 中文 (简体字) (Chinese, Simplified Han)
he - עברית (Hebrew)

Go to the application product page here for more information.



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