Keep it simple stupid programming language
Zed A. Shaw - The Web Will Die When OOP Dies from Web Rebels Conference
More to come.
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--------------------------------------------------------- // - CL - Common Language ComLang source code version var-int answer = 99; while ( answer != 0 ) { "" "-----------------------------------------" "Menu (enter a number): " "Primitives" " 1 - STRING" " 2 - PEEK & POKE" " 8 - flat to CSV" " 9 - LOGO like plotting" " 10 - Standard C code" " 0 - EXIT" beep input-int answer 0 20 print "You entered: " echoln answer switch(answer) { case 0: "Bye!" end break; case 1: "== STRING" { "-- dupl" string myStr1 = dupl "Abc" 14 echoln myStr1 "-- reverse" "" string myStr = reverse "Test Reverse." echoln myStr "-- len" len myStr "" len "myStr" "" print "What's your name? " input-str n print "Hello " echo n println "." } break; case 2: poke 0 65 poke 1 66 poke 2 102 peek 0 peek 1 peek 2 peek 3 peek 4 dump_poke_field break; case 8: read-flat-to-csv("dataflat.txt", "4,10,40") break; case 10: for (int counter=0; counter<=100; counter++) { printf("%d ", counter); } break; } } end ---------------------------------------
---------------- "Hello World." println println "Text with newline at the end" print "The length of the string is: " len "abcdefg" println a = 0:9 a b = 1:10 b c = -5:5 c // -- You can use just C as before for (int i=0; i<=10; i++) { printf("%d", i); } println readcsv("data.csv")
$ bash ./ Hello World. Text with newline at the end The length of the string is: 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 012345678910 Währung Kurs EUR 1.50 CHF 1.00 DOL 0.90
1. Pre Pre-Processing with UNIX/Linux SED
2. CPP PreProcessing generates pure C/C++
3. Compile
4. Run
Reads a flat file with fixed data positions and create a CSV.