With this method every child can learn to read and write correctly within a store period of time.
We write letters and words, but we pronounce syllables.
Manual mode works with any language, just use a dash for separate syllables within a word like "A-ba-cus".
Automated syllables separation only works with English and German (Germany, Austria and Switzerland)
right now because there is only a German syllables dictionary built in right now.
If you like to see the user interface language in your language and you can provide a translation, please contact support.
If you have any questions or ideas please contact support, see Support link.
speech-language pathologist (SLP), speech and language therapist, speech therapist
Störungen im Lesen und Schreiben, Lese-Rechtschreib-Störung (LRS), Schriftspracherwerbstörung werden als Legasthenie und Dyslexie bezeichnet. In internationalen Fachliteratur verwendete Begriff Dyslexie beschreibt das Hauptproblem: Die Schwierigkeit in der Verarbeitung des einzelnen Wortes in der Schriftsprache. (Dyslexie griechisch: dys: fehlerhaft, gestört; und lexis: Sprache, Rede Wort)
Redefluss Störungen, Spracherwerbsstörungen , Lese- Rechtschreibstörungen (Dyslexie) Software, Hilfe für Logopädie, Logopädie in der Praxis. Lese-Rechtschreib-Störung (LRS), Schriftspracherwerbstörung, Legasthenie, Dyslexie.
Lehrmittel erstellen, Lehrmittel herstellen, Schulmatterial erstellen, Schulunterlagen erstellen
Do not learn the consonants by it's own. This is confusing. Instead learn every consonant with a vocal attached:
ba, be, bi, bo, bu
ca, ce, ci, co, cu
da, de, di, do, du
fa, fe, fi, fo, fu
la, le, li, lo, lu
This is also how they appear within words.
Train also 3 letters with a so called stop consonant.
With this method beginners learn not only to speak and write, but how to spell the words.
After that, you can read syllables. SpeedreaderLTS can create syllables for you.
SpeedreaderLTS helps you with the creation for your school printed materials. Here is a real example.
You can create syllables automatically. This is done with an internal dictionary. If the word is not found within the predefined dictionary some basic well known rules are applied.
Note: This works with any language. Just separate the syllables with a dash ("-").
If you have already a prepared text where syllables are separated with a single dash (-) then you can just copy and paste it and check Text contains separator.
Es war ein-mal ein klei-ner Jun-ge.
Es war einmal ein kleiner Junge.
You can then copy and paste the generated output to a Word / OpenOffice / Pages document and print it.
Choose the speed (how many syllables per minutes) and hit Start.
Train reading word by word.
A: Yes. SpeedreaderLTS for Mac
macOS Sierra 10.12, OS X 10.11, 10.10, 10.9 (not tested), 10.8 (not tested)
macOS Sierra (10.12) 64 Bit
OS X El Capitan (10.11) 64 Bit
OS X Yosemite (10.10) 64 Bit
NOTE: 64 Bit only.
A: Yes. SpeedreaderLTS for Windows
Where can I get it? Ask Support for more information.
Microsoft® Windows® 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP.
Windows 10:
Windows 7:
Windows Vista:
Windows XP:
SpeedreaderLTS for Linux
Ask support for more information.
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (64-bit)