
Run Microsoft Office on macOS with WineBottler

How to run Microsoft Office on macOS without any Windows operating system. (This is NOT Office for Mac 2011 which is a mess. This is why Microsoft Office is not successful on Mac and Linux. The should must provide a 1:1 copy of Office with 1:1 behavior on ALL platforms.)
But you can run original windows version of Office with wine.

Wine Windows emulator, WineBottler

Note: There are different methods to run Windows Programs on macOS.

Using WineBottler [did worked for me]



Step 1: WineBottler: Download


Step 2: WineBottler: Install


Step 3: WineBottler: start and setup


Choose the following winetricks:

[ x ] corefonts, Optionally you can also choose [ x ] allfonts.

You need at least:

MS Sans Serif
Microsoft Sans Serif
Segoe UI (used for the Ribbon Menu text)
Calibri (standard font for body text within Word 2010)
Cambria (standard heading text within Word 2010)

[ x ] dotnet20

[ x ] gdiplus

[ x ] msxml6

[ x ] riched20


Step 4: WineBottler Install the Windows Exe Installer

Hit Install.

It first will install all winetricks (DLL, fonts, etc.) and then Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 or any other package you choose.



Step 5: How to start Excel and PowerPoint from Word





Known Issues


  • Normal Text font body like Calibri and Segue UI in the Ribbon menu is shown in italic.


  • Best solution so far: Restart Office 2016, font was showing normal.
  • If this does not work for you:
    Install fonts to your mac, right-click on the app package then Show Package Contents, then navigate to
    Contents > Resources > wineprefix > drive_c > windows > fonts. Then just double click the font you want to install on your macOS. FontBook will open and install the font for you on-the-fly.
  • Fonts you need at least:
    Calibri (for normal text), Segue UI (for the ribbon text), Cambria (default heading format), etc.





Word 2007 on macOS without Windows


Using brew [did not worked for me]

NOTE: This did not worked for me.


  • Microsoft Office 2010
  • macOS Mojave Version 10.14.5 (18F203)
  • wine version 4.0.1, see
  • brew (package installer, see ). You can also use others for example port if package is available, or direct download binary files

Step 1: Install brew

Homebrew, The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux),

1.1 Run Terminal

Start Terminal it's in the Applications/Utilities/ folder

1.2 Install brew

Paste that in a macOS Terminal prompt. It will install brew for you. See for more details.

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

NOTE: This may take a while, be patient.

Step 2: Install wine

In your Terminal, type the following to install wine or any other package.

$ <strong>brew install wine</strong>
Updating Homebrew...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 1 tap (homebrew/core).
==> New Formulae
cpu_features                                                                                                          protobuf@3.7
==> Updated Formulae
node ✔                                 dynare                                 hashcat                                minio                                  postgresql@9.5                         terrahub
abcmidi                                embree                                 helmfile                               minio-mc                               postgresql@9.6                         tflint
algernon                               embulk                                 help2man                               mkcert                                 postgrest                              tile38
angband                                emscripten                             hugo                                   mkvtoolnix                             pre-commit                             tomcat
angular-cli                            envconsul                              imagemagick@6                          mmark                                  procyon-decompiler                     tomcat@7
ansible                                eslint                                 inlets                                 mmseqs2                                prometheus                             tomcat@8
ansiweather                            etcd                                   insect                                 mosh                                   proteinortho                           tor
apache-arrow                           exploitdb                              interactive-rebase-tool                mosquitto                              protobuf                               trafficserver
arangodb                               faas-cli                               iperf                                  mrboom                                 protobuf-c                             triton
armadillo                              fabric                                 ipopt                                  mycli                                  protobuf-swift                         ttyd
arpack                                 fauna-shell                            ispc                                   n                                      qemu                                   tunnel
arping                                 fdroidserver                           jenkins                                nagios                                 qpid-proton                            ucloud
astrometry-net                         firebase-cli                           jfrog-cli-go                           nativefier                             qrupdate                               vapoursynth
avfs                                   fluid-synth                            jvgrep                                 nats-streaming-server                  r                                      vapoursynth-imwri
awscli                                 fluxctl                                kim-api                                newsboat                               re2c                                   vapoursynth-ocr
bind                                   fonttools                              kotlin                                 nsd                                    rebar3                                 vapoursynth-sub
bit                                    freeipmi                               kube-aws                               nspr                                   rke                                    vault
bitrise                                futhark                                kubernetes-cli                         numpy                                  roswell                                vaulted
blueutil                               gatsby-cli                             kubernetes-service-catalog-client      nwchem                                 rsyslog                                velero
caffe                                  get_iplayer                            launchdns                              ocrmypdf                               s-nail                                 vert.x
ccache                                 getmail                                libheif                                octave                                 saxon                                  vim
ceres-solver                           git                                    libiodbc                               opa                                    scala@2.12                             visp
chronograf                             git-annex                              libosmium                              openblas                               scalapack                              vnstat
citus                                  git-extras                             libphonenumber                         opencv                                 scipy                                  vulkan-headers
ckan                                   gitlab-runner                          libpq                                  opencv@2                               shadowenv                              wcslib
clamav                                 gitversion                             libpqxx                                opencv@3                               shogun                                 wtf
clojure                                glooctl                                libpulsar                              packer                                 skaffold                               wtfutil
collectd                               gmt                                    libraw                                 packer-completion                      snapcraft                              wxmaxima
contentful-cli                         go@1.11                                librsync                               pdfcrack                               sonobuoy                               xxhash
cpl                                    golang-migrate                         libspng                                petsc                                  speedtest-cli                          ykman
credstash                              goofys                                 libuv                                  petsc-complex                          starship                               zbackup
cromwell                               goreleaser                             libvisio                               phpstan                                streamlink                             zsdx
crowdin                                grafana                                libwebsockets                          platformio                             suite-sparse                           zstd
deno                                   grakn                                  linkerd                                poco                                   sundials
devspace                               grpc                                   lz4                                    postgis                                swig
diffoscope                             haproxy                                mailutils                              postgresql                             terraform
doctl                                  harfbuzz                               mesa                                   postgresql@10                          terragrunt

Warning: wine 4.0.1 is already installed and up-to-date
To reinstall 4.0.1, run `brew reinstall wine`


Check installed wine version with:

$ <strong>wine --version</strong>

2.2 Install winetricks

$ <strong>brew install winetricks</strong>
Updating Homebrew...
==> Installing dependencies for winetricks: cabextract, p7zip and unrar
==> Installing winetricks dependency: cabextract
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring cabextract-1.9.1.mojave.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/cabextract/1.9.1: 10 files, 142.4KB
==> Installing winetricks dependency: p7zip
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring p7zip-16.02_2.mojave.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/p7zip/16.02_2: 103 files, 4.5MB
==> Installing winetricks dependency: unrar
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring unrar-5.7.5.mojave.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/unrar/5.7.5: 6 files, 499.6KB
==> Installing winetricks
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Caveats
winetricks is a set of utilities for wine, which is installed separately:
  brew install wine
==> Summary
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/winetricks/20190615: 6 files, 829.3KB, built in 45 seconds
==> `brew cleanup` has not been run in 30 days, running now...
Removing: /Users/michael/Library/Caches/Homebrew/libssh--0.8.7.mojave.bottle.tar.gz... (486.6KB)
Removing: /Users/michael/Library/Caches/Homebrew/node--12.7.0.mojave.bottle.tar.gz... (14.7MB)
Removing: /Users/michael/Library/Logs/Homebrew/groff... (64B)
Removing: /Users/michael/Library/Logs/Homebrew/wine... (917B)
Removing: /Users/michael/Library/Logs/Homebrew/hercules... (64B)
==> Caveats
==> winetricks
winetricks is a set of utilities for wine, which is installed separately:
  brew install wine

Step 3: Install Microsoft Office

Somewhere you have stored the original installer exe and install files.

You need to install the Windows Program with wine first before you can use it.


TODO env WINEPREFIX=~/.wine-office10 wine X16-32250.exe


$ <strong>cd PATH_TO_YOUR_INSTALLER_FILE</strong>
$ <strong>wine setup.exe</strong>