USB 3.0, USB 2.0, FritzBox 7490, WLAN, WiFi, bad, signal, weak
WLAN schwach, WLAN Problem, WiFi Singal schwach, WLAN bricht ab, wlan Abbruch.
FritzBox OS version: 07.12 (or basically any version), Firmware version:113.07.12.
NOTE: There is NO external hard drive via USB connected. Just a printer via USB 2.0. Or offline and disconnected. The WLAN problem still persists also with disconnected USB devices. The only solution was to re-route the antenna cables within the router, at least in this case.
Before (with WLAN problem):
After (fixed WLAN problem):
Place your router NOT to the ground floor. Maybe locate it, hand it on a wall etc. Make sure the device get good air flow for cooling. - Wireless or DECT connections are subject to interference when a USB 3.0 device is connected